About Rose Gold
About Rose Gold
Located fifty miles Northwest of Saint Tropez, the vineyard is known for the maturity of its vines and low production which gives quality. A full, rich flavor and aroma to the wine. The vineyards are influenced by the sea, the sun and the winds that blow off the Mediterranean. Proximity to the sea, the unique composition of the soil and the efforts of our superb winemaker permits production of a truly great rosé.
Rose Gold Bottles
Casey Barber
The Rose Gold Story
All of my memories of drinking rosé are happy ones... sunny patios, beautiful poolside afternoons with friends and on vacations. It is almost impossible to conjure up an unhappy rosé moment! I have been drinking Provence rosé for many years and was inspired to make my own. ROSE GOLD was created out of love for rosé and when you pour a glass on an afternoon with a friend you will find yourself transported to the south of France where my own love for this beautiful pink French wine began.
- Casey Barber, Founder ROSE GOLD Rosé